Embedded Systems
Explores microcontrollers, real-time operating systems, and hardware-software integration.Lab Manual
ES Lab Manual
Distributed by Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Table of Contents
Adding 32-bit Numbers
Software implementation for 32-bit numbers in Assembly.
Adding Two Registers
Exploring updation of registers in Assembly.
Analog to Digital Converter
Convert hardware analog signals into a digital pulse.
Branching, Looping & Code Conversion
Exploring iteration and conditionality in Assembly.
Digital to Analog Converter
Convert simulated pulse into a physically visible signal.
LCD & Keypad Interfacing
Hardware implementation to add communication between input and output.
LEDs, Relay & Buzzer
Simplified program to take action on button press.
Multiplying 32-bit Numbers
Software implementation for 32-bit numbers in Assembly.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Convert a simulated signal into a physically verifiable indicator.
Seven Segment Displays
Control output on the display through a functional counting loop.
Sorting & Searching Programs
Software implementation of several programming problems in Assembly.
Stepper Motors
Program multiple modes of movement into stepper motors using Assembly.